The mass of any substance liberated at the electrode in electrolysis is proportional to the mass of a given substance liberated when unit a quantity of charge passes through the electrolyte


Formula 1

G = g.I.t




G is the mass of deposited substance in milligrams (mg)

g is the chemical equivalent of the involved substance in mg/As

I is the amount of current flowing between electrodes in amperes (A)

T is the electrolysis time in seconds (s)


Electrochemical Equivalents of Some Substances


Íon G (mg/As)
H+ 1,0104
O- 0,0829
Al+++ 0,936
OH- 0,172
Fe+++ 0,1930
Ca++ 0,2077
Na+ 0,2388
Fe++ 0,2895
C03-- 0,3108
Cu++ 0,3297
Zn++ 0,3387
Cl- 0,3672
SO4- - 0,4975
Cu+ 0,6590
Ag+ 1,118


Derivated Formulas:


Formula 2

 I = G / (g . t)


Formula 3

t = G / (g . I)



Application Example:

Calculate the mass of silver (Ag) deposited in na electrolysis process when a 2 A current flows for 10 minutes.



G = 1,118 mg/As

I = 2 A

T = 10 minutes = 600 seconds


Applying formula 1:

G = 1,118 x 2 x 600 = 1 341 mg ou 1,341 g