The original Arduino version was born in Italy when a group of teachers developed a complete microcontroller board to teach containing all the basic elements for a project and a free set of insructions for programming (open code).




The Arduino use has spread around the world and also with new versions that have spread mainly among students, teachers and makers, creators of new applications and products.

There were many versions that were not from the original company, mainly Chinese, which do not always strive for quality.

However, when a big size company such as Intel decides to release its Arduino, we can be sure that it can offer much more than we could count on the original versions.

Thus, we focus on the following development board Arduino 101™ manufactured by Intel and which can be obtained at Mouser Electronics from the following link, where the full datasheet in English can be accessed:

As indicated in the datasheet, the Arduino 101 is a result of joint efforts between Intel and Arduino (original company that created the design) in which provides a powerful platform for implementation of microcontroller-based projects.

This is the first development board based on the Compute Module Curie ™ from Intel. The Arduino 101, called Genuino 101 * outside the United States is characterized by Intel performance combined with a low cost.

Designed in conjunction with Arduino's founders, this board has a Quark ™ microcontroller 32-bit Intel for a minimum consumption, 384 KB of flash memory, 90 KB of SXRAM (24 kB available for sketches), an integrated DSP hub for sensor, Radio of Low Power Bluetooth and 6-axis sensor combo with an accelerometer and a gyroscope.

With the capabilities of the Intel Curie module, the open code hardware and software, the Arduino board 101 makes it easier to learn the basics and thus become a maker.

The Arduino board 101, supported by the Intel Curie module is part of the CTC or Creative Technologies in the Classroom *, course of physics computing, developed and tested by Arduino providing educators of elementary and secondary levels of schools to learn programming basics, electronics and mechanics.

The Arduino board 101 is also used by the participants of America's Greatest Makers, to be held in 2016.

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To purchase Arduino101 by Mouser click on: