Panasonic AN44183A Microstepping Motor Driver is a two channel H-bridge driver with a bipolar stepping motor that can be controlled by a single driver LSI. Available in a 56 pin plastic small outline package (SOP) with heat sink package, the AN44183A Microstepping Motor Driver offers a built-in decoder for micro steps and a 3.3V power supply with ±3% accuracy. The driver also includes mix decay control, malfunction prevention, home position, standby, over-current protection (OCP), under voltage lockout (UVLO), thermal protection (TSD), and abnormal detection output (NFAULT) functions for internal protection of the IC.


    • Built-in decoder for micro steps
      • (2-phase, half step, 1-2 phase, W1-2 phase ,2W1-2 phase, and 4W1-2 phase excitation)
    • Interface: Clock (Rising edge detection and both edge detection)
    • PWM can be driven by built-in CR (2-value can be selected during PWM OFF period.)
    • Mix Decay control (4-value can be selected for Fast Decay ratio)
    • Built-in over-current protection (OCP)
    • Built-in under voltage lockout (UVLO)
    • Built-in thermal protection (TSD)
    • Built-in abnormal detection output function (NFAULT)
    • Built-in standby function
    • Built-in reset function
    • Built-in 3.3 V power supply (accuracy: ±3%)
    • Built-in EMI reduction function
    • Built-in malfunction prevention function
    • Built-in home position function can detect the position of the motor
    • 56 pin Plastic Small Outline Package (SOP Type) with heat sink

    • LSI for stepping motor drives