The astable multivibrator shown by figura 1 has a very low current drain and can be powered from 6 to 12 V sources. The frequency is also low, given by C1 and C23. This circuit can be used as clock in digital applications. Equivalent to the transistors is the BC548, The wave shape of the signal is square and shown by the virtual oscilloscope of the MultiSIM BLUE. Observe the adjustements for the oscilloscope for a correct display of the signal.



Figure 1 – Circuit drawn with the MultiSIM BLUE
Figure 1 – Circuit drawn with the MultiSIM BLUE



Figure 2 shows the wave shape for the signal displayed in the virtual oscilloscope of the MultiSIM BLUE.


Figure 2 – Wave shape displayed by the virtual oscilloscope
Figure 2 – Wave shape displayed by the virtual oscilloscope






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