This circuit shows how a simple one-transistor stage can be used to Power high current loads from TTL or CMOS signals. The circuit can be used in robotics, control and automation. The transistor in the simulation is the 2N2222, with a maximum collector current of about 200 mA, but transistors with hight current capabilities can be used such as the BD135 or TIP31 or even Darlington types. Power supply for the transistor can be different from the input logic control depending only on the load.



   Figure 1 – Circuit for the simulation in the MultiSIM BLUE
Figure 1 – Circuit for the simulation in the MultiSIM BLUE



Wave shape is displayed in the virtual oscilloscope when a 5 V x 1 kHz square signal is applied to the input. This signal is shown by figure 2.


Figure 2 – Wave shape on the load
Figure 2 – Wave shape on the load




To download the simulation files and Netlist - click here (