This experimental circuit is from a 1975s publication. The coil consists of 80 turns of wire AWG 28 on a ferrite rod and the variable capacitor can be obtained on an out-of-use AM radio. The FET can be the BF245 or MPF102 and the NPN transistor one BC548. The output is for earphone or input of a good amplifier. There is no need for an antenna to receive local stations.
    This experimental circuit is from a 1975s publication. The coil consists of 80 turns of wire AWG 28 on a ferrite rod and the variable capacitor can be obtained on an out-of-use AM radio. The FET can be the BF245 or MPF102 and the NPN transistor one BC548. The output is for earphone or input of a good amplifier. There is no need for an antenna to receive local stations.