“I noticed that a good number of projects on your site use terminal stripes for assemblies. Could the same projects be done in a solderless board?”


Yes, they really can. What happens is that many of the projects posted on the site were published at a time when solderless boards were rare and expensive, being a simple solution for assemblers to use a terminal strip. At the time, even making printed circuit boards was not a simple matter. Giving the possibility of bridging we took electronics to millions of people who today are professionals who know that it was an experimental method. Today terminal strips practically no longer exist, and contact dies are easy to obtain and inexpensive, making them the ideal mounting option. All the projects we publish can be assembled in a solderless board matrix, requiring in some cases minor adaptations, for example, soldering wires that fit the board in the case of old type pots, soldering wires in speakers and other components that fit directly. With these adaptations, all of our old projects become viable in our times and many, besides the didactic aspect, are still very interesting. In fact, many of them can serve as shields for projects with microcontrollers.