“I saw a video in which a person was practically electrocuted for using a cell phone connected to the charger. What's really there?”


What many do not realize is that a good amount of internet videos with alarming scenes are produced. No one would deliberately stand in front of a camera or cell phone to make a video in which it would take a tremendous shock, be seriously injured, or even die. It is certainly a production. These are the “fake news” that the naive believe. This one of the shocks on the cell phone is more of them “produced” to generate clicks and likes without a technical basis and that the naive believe and pass on. Certainly, the danger always exists. A stripped cell phone cable, exposing the network voltage [is a danger and if you use the phone by touching it, it will certainly get a shock. The possibility that you are barefoot in a wet place and your cell phone does not have the perfect insulation due to humidity can lead to a dangerous situation. Anyway, analyze the situation and think to what extent the video is produced.