
Power supply voltage: 6 to 12 Vdc

Frequency range: 88 to 108 MHz

Number of transistors: 4

Range: several Miles

A high-power push-pull output stage using two transistors gives this project a performance range of up to several miles when used with an external antenna.

The output power also depends on the power supply voltage.

The reader can use supplies ranging from 6 to 12 V with this transmitter.

If dry cells are used for the 6 V version, they must be D or C types, as the current drain is high.

The circuit needs three adjustments to be made using three trimmer capacitors.

Procedures for making these adjustments can be found in the descriptions of other projects in this section.

The external modulation can come from various sources such as mixers, a high-impedance microphone, CD players, or others.

A mixer can be used to plug several signals into the transmitter if it is used in an experimental radio station.

The operational frequency is determined by the coils, and the reader has some options as shown below:

50 to 80 MHz

L1 6 turns

L2 4 + 4 turns enlaced with L1

L3 6 + 6 turns

L4 5 turns enlaced with L3


80 to 120 MHz

L1 4 turns

L2 3 + 3 turns enlaced with L1

L3 4 + 4 turns

L4 4 turns enlaced with L3


All the coils are wound around a pencil as reference.


The wire can be the AWG 20 to 24 (enameled or plastic covered).

Figure 1 – Schematic diagram of the transmitter.


Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the transmitter.
Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the transmitter.


All the components are placed on a printed circuit board as shown in Fig. 2.


Figure 2 – PCB for the project
Figure 2 – PCB for the project


Pay special attention to the placement of the coils.

The transistors can be replaced by equivalents.

Q3 and Q4 must be mounted on small heat sinks if the circuit is powered from a 12 V supply.

The recommended trimmers capacitors can be porcelain or plastic types with capacitance ranges from 2-20 to 4-40 pF.

The small capacitors must be ceramic types.

The electrolytic capacitors are rated to voltages up to 16 V or as specified in the parts list.

If an external antenna is used, it must be wired to the circuit using a coaxial cable.

The trimmer potentiometer is used to adjust the modulation according to the audio signal source.



Q1 - BC548 or equivalent general-purpose NPN silicon transistor

Q2 - BF494 or equivalent high-frequency (RF) NPN silicon transistor

Q3, Q4 - BD135, BD137, or BD139 medium-power NPN silicon transistor


Resistors (1/8 W, 5%)

R1 - 470,000 Ω - yellow, Violet, yellow

R2 - 10,000 Ω - brown, black, orange

R3 - 1,000 Ω - brown, black, red

R4 - 47 Ω - yellow, violet, black

R5 - 2,200 Ω - red, red, red

R6 - 220 Ω -red, red, brown

R7 - 10,000 Ω -brown, black, orange

R8 - 6,800 Ω -blue, gray, red

P1 - 220,000 Ω - trimmer potentiometer



C1, C2 - 10 µF/ 16 WVDC electrolytic

C3 - 4.7 pF ceramic

C4 - 0.01 µF ceramic or metal film

C5 100 µF/ 16 WVDC electrolytic

C6 - 0.1 µF ceramic

C7 - 0.01 µF ceramic

CV1, CV2, CV3 trimmers (see text)


Additional Parts and Materials

L1, L2, L3, L4 coils (see text)

Printed circuit board, plastic box, input jack, power supply, etc.