Paranormal skills are not the privilege of a restricted group of individuals.

Everyone, including you, has latent paranormal abilities. But discovering and developing your paranormal skills is not easy.

Many techniques can be used to find and develop such abilities as seeing into the future or moving objects using the mind. Most of them use some kind of ritual that has been handed down through generations and generations of people who do not have any formal knowledge about science.

Even living in today’s world of high technology, the paranormal skills are studied and analyzed from a traditional, mystic angle. Mysticism and religion are more commonly involved than true science, but science can explain many concepts more easily and without the “aura” of mystery.

The greatest problem for the serious paranormal phenomena researcher, as we mentioned in other parts of this book, is to separate what is real from what is “noise” and apply the correct concepts of modern science to explain what is really happening.

The natural human tendency to use technical terms such as energy, fields, vibrations, and others in our attempts to add a scientific aspect to many paranormal phenomena is the main obstacle to making “official” science accept the theories and hypotheses created by researchers.

As we have mentioned, this book is not based on an acceptance of all paranormal phenomena, which are diverse, nor is it intended to explain any of these phenomena.

Our purpose is to discuss topics that the researcher may believe to be worthy of further research and to show how electronics can provide some practical aids in exploring these subjects.

This implies the possibility of adding some new techniques to a field of experimentation in which most of the technology dates back to Medieval times or earlier.

Successful research in the field of paranormal phenomena requires not only skilled individuals but some technical assistance as well.

In this site you will find articles to introducing the reader to some devices that can be used in experiments involving individual paranormal skills such as extrasensory perception (ESP), telekinesis or psychokinesis, clairvoyance, reaver, far-touch, transcendental meditation, radiesthesia, and others.


Paranormal Skills

Many researchers in the field of paranormal phenomena believe that our mental processes are not limited to the volume of the brain. All the processes running inside our brains, and not only when we are in a conscious state, involve not only interaction with other parts of our body but also some kind of unknown interaction with the surrounding space, perhaps extending throughout the world and all the universe.

Our brain operates like a “radio transmitter/receiver” ( transceiver), sending and receiving information directly from any part of the universe. (Again, we caution the reader not to use these technical terms with the meaning they have in “official science.” The quotation marks indicate the figurative use of the term).

This means that our common senses of hearing, sight, smell, taste, and touch are not the only ways we have to interact with the world and the universe.

Many unknown processes interact with our normal senses, and sometimes they appear as large-scale manifestations in some individuals. These manifestations, being inexplicable by “official science,” are called paranormal, and the individuals are placed in a category of humans referred to as sensitives.

Everybody is sensitive, but to different degrees. What is your degree of sensitivity, and to what kind of phenomena? This can be a very interesting field of research for you, and it can be determined by simple experiments.

Can you move objects using your mind? Can you see distant places without using your eyes? Can you preview what number will be chosen in the next lottery? Can you control your physiological functions using your mind? Can you know what somebody else is thinking?

Extrasensory perception, telekinesis, psychometry, clairvoyance, radiesthesia, psychokinesis, and far-touch are examples of the paranormal skills revealed in individuals who, in some manner, can “tune” some information from the beyond, or from some unknown place in an unknown dimension, and use it as a “Sixth sense.”

If you don,t believe that you have any chance of being a paranormal individual, it is probably because you have never stopped to think about some revealing facts that occurred in your life.

Have you ever, when walking alone late at night in a deserted street, felt the clear sensation of the presence of an invisible someone (or something) walking beside or behind you?

Have you ever, when visiting a distant place where you had never been before, had the strange sensation that the place was familiar and you had visited there before (referred to as déjà vu in French)?

Have you ever felt the sensation of seeing a member of your family appearing in a doorway for a second, even though that person is a thousand miles away, and soon afterward received notice that the person had died?

Have you experienced strange phenomena in your house, such as items falling (e.g., the sound of rocks falling on the ceiling) without any explanation, and later received notice of some accident involving a relative?

Have you noticed your dog searching or barking at a place in your house where there seems to be nothing, indicating that the animal can see somebody or something that is invisible to you?

Have you seen strange lights or flying objects while traveling?

These common occurrences constitute evidence that not only sensitives but everyone sometimes can tune into the paranormal and extend their sensory perception into who-knows-where, or even who-knows-When, to extract information from the “files of the beyond.” There are many more paranormal skills to be studied in humans than we have yet imagined.

In the articles in this section you will find many projects that can help you make a serious research involving those phenomena.