When Marconi conducted the first experiments with the radio, he believed it would be possible to use this new means of communication to make contact with the spirits.

This, over time and other researchers embracing the idea, ended up with the outbreak of a new science called Instrumental Transcommunication. In our book Electronics Projects from the Next Dimension, published in the United States, we address the idea of projects of several devices to try to capture messages that would be available in certain ways.


Electronics Projects from the Next Dimension - A book by Newton C. Braga which won the award of originality from Anomalyst magazine in England. (soon, a new edition upgraded and with new projects will be published)
Electronics Projects from the Next Dimension - A book by Newton C. Braga which won the award of originality from Anomalyst magazine in England. (soon, a new edition upgraded and with new projects will be published)




The use of stochastic resonance, using white noise and nowadays widely used in telecommunications to enhance voice communications, has led to a lot of research which began with the voice recordings by Jungerson and Raudive.

According to these researchers, the white noise could be used to reveal sounds and signals in our environment that would otherwise be undetectable due to its low intensity.



Jungerson recording paranormal voices
Jungerson recording paranormal voices



What is important about this is the fact that as new technologies advance the discovery of new means of communications or new levels of studying our universe has always led researchers to think of something else, eventually adopting ideas that explain paranormal phenomena.

This happened to Marconi, Edson and then quantum physics with physicists as Heisenberg and in Brazil with César Lates. It is a very common fact in this field, which as the researchers reach a level of knowledge about the subject and the universe in its extreme, they tend to become mystics.



Eisenberg - one of the creators of quantum physics
Eisenberg - one of the creators of quantum physics



Hawking himself in some of his statements reveals this trend. When we take all this to the paranormal, we see that the structure of our brain with its 100 billion neurons does not explain very complex phenomena as what we call consciousness.

Now, with the new theories that lead to the discovery of the superstrings that would be structures that may exist in other dimensions which we do not notice in our universe, new “lights” are being released in the explanations of many phenomena, although this is still a very early stage.

The neurons of our brain are structures too large to be able to have some sort of quantum interaction, but there are some structures in them that now reveal themselves, whose functions are still unknown and that are small enough to reveal a certain quantum behavior.

The main speculation is that such structures could communicate the functioning of our brain with other vibration dimensions of the elementary particles which form them, and perhaps, different from anything we can explain, our consciousness would be something of ours that is partially immersed in a fourth dimension.

In the future new nanotechnology discoveries and even plasmonic devices may lead to the creation of electronic circuits capable of producing interactions with these structures leading to a new communication scale, who knows the key to creating an artificial intelligence having a degree of consciousness which nowadays is only possible in human beings.

All speculations that are left to the physicists of the next few years to explain, agree, deny or give us the possibility of using this as a new communication stage of our mind.