In other article in this site in which we deal with visual pollution and its influence on circadian rhythm by the presence of blue radiation, we have shown that our day and night cycle can be influenced by ambient illumination, especially now that LEDs have a much higher yield in this part of the spectrum.


However, it seems that the use of many accessories and even electronic equipment is changing the way we expose ourselves to blue light and this can have consequences for our health.


For example, in another article we address the danger of prolonged exposure to cell phone and computer radiation and this is already worrying authorities.


In fact, there are already filters that can be used in mobile phones to reduce the blue component of the screen brightness and even features which allow you to reduce that component in the phone itself.


The fact is that blue light, because it has a lower frequency, has a greater power of penetration and more energy, being able to have effects that the radiations of greater wavelength do not have.


Research is revealing much about the effects of this radiation on living organisms, which until then did not concern us because its presence was limited to daylight.


Artificial sources such as fire, candles and incandescent bulbs have a very low blue light emission rate.


That's why we recommend in some of our articles that artificial lighting of our homes in certain locations is done with low-temperature, dimly lit yellow LEDs to have a reduced blue component.


An interesting finding that may lead to new directions for research on the use of blue light has recently been made by researchers in Massachusetts who discovered that blue light in the form of flashes could have a strong therapeutic effect in mice with Alzheimer, leading them to "recover their memory" in maze tests.


The experiments should be performed with humans, it seems that this type of light causes some kind of stimulus in neurons, as in the case of the circadian rhythm, which leads to recovery of memory.


The important thing is that we realize that with this possibility we have to build powerful blue light sources easily, thanks to the use of LEDs, doors for interesting and important experiments are open.


Another controversial subject regarding ambient light, which includes blue light and must be analyzed with caution, refers to the accessories we use that can change the way we perceive light, especially blue.


The sunglasses which were previously therapeutic accessories, since they were recommended as elements to aid in visual deficiencies or to soften the light in special conditions, happened to be objects of aesthetic use.


The sunglasses are worn for the beauty and the effect they make on the appearance of people.


The fact is that our eyes have a curve of response to light intensities that is determined by nature for the millions of years we live on this planet with degrees of luminosity ranging from the midday sun to the full moonless night.


Thus, our retina has an opening and closing mechanism that measures the sensitivity of the eye to the degree of ambient light. The opening and closing time is the time it takes for it to change its opening when we move from a lighter to darker environment and vice-versa.


With the use of sunglasses this curve changes, because the retina no longer needs to close totally in conditions of maximum luminosity and it becomes "lazy" due to lack of use. It's like any muscle: not used, atrophy.


Over time, people who constantly wear their sunglasses completely lose their ability to adapt to clarity. These people can not run out of glasses anymore.


Have you lost your ability to adapt to clarity and can not go out without sunglasses during the day? Watch out! What is beautiful can be harmful.


It would be interesting if a study were done to verify to what extent the new curve of response to the colors that sunglasses impose on our eyes do not bring some kind of injury!


We remember that it was only long after the televisions were launched that it was discovered that the presence of X-rays in the first devices could be highly harmful to our health. Things of technology that we only discover with time (and sometimes too late).


All this leads us to a good field of research. Why not study the effects of this light on living things, such as plants, insects, fish, etc.?


It would be a type of study that could lead to unpublished works for thesis, science fairs and contests like FEBRACE (Technoly Fair at USP – Brazil) and even serious work which could lead to important discoveries.


It is our suggestion, for those who seek an unprecedented idea for research or thesis


On our site you can find several sources of constant current and power circuits for LEDs that could be used in a laboratory to power blue LEDs.