Description: This package contains a full Divide-by-B Counter. This device is synchronous and produces a square wave as output.

Functional Diagram or/and Package:
Functional Diagram or/and Package:




Pin Names:

Vdd - Positive Supply Voltage

Vss - Ground

Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q8, Q7 - Outputs

CLK - Clock or Input

EN - Enable

RST - Reset

C/OUT - Output [see operation mode]

Timing Diagram: Instead of the truth table, a timing diagram is given for this device.





Operation Mode:

EN and RST must be grounded.

Any positive transition of the clock makes the circuit advance one count

The decoded output goes to the “1” logic level [positive] and the others remain at the “0" state [ground].

The OUT output remains in the “1 " level for counting from 0 to 8 and goes to the “0” logic level when counting from 4 through 7.

Reset is completed by putting the RST terminal to the “1 " logic level. RST must be back to the “0” to allow the count to continue.

A “1 ” applied to the EN input inhibits the clock operation and stops the count.


Electrical Characteristics:
Electrical Characteristics:




Other Devices:

The 4017 is a similar counter, but presents 10 outputs. With appropriate connections it can be used to count up to 8 like this device.




Frequency Dividers




External gates can be used to make divisions from 1 to 8.