Description: This package contains a set of gates that can be programmed to perform any common 8-input function or combined 4-input function. The 8-input functions are, AND/NAND-OR/NOR. The combined two 4-input functions are, OR/AND, OR/NAND, AND-OR, AND/NOR.


Functional Diagram and/or Package:





Pin Names:

Vdd - Positive Supply Voltage [3V to 15V]

Vss - Ground

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H - Inputs

Ka, Kb, Kc - Control Lines

Kd - Tri-state Control

EX - Expand

J – Output


Truth Table







Operation Mode:

The logic levels applied to the control lines Ka, Kb, and Kc determine the function performed by the device [see the truth table).

Kd determines the tri-state of the output. When in the “0” logic level, the output goes to a high-impedance state.

The EX [Expand] input is used to increase the number of inputs. Two 4048 can be cascaded by providing a 16-input multifunction gate.

Electrical Characteristics:





Other Devices:

Devices With specific functions can be found in this list.



Logic Function Selector

General Purpose Logic [Encoding/Decoding]

Digital Control of Logic



When Expand is not used it must be connected to Vss.