
This package contains four independent bilateral switches intended for the transmission, control, or multiplexing of analog/digital signals.


Functional Diagram and/ or Package:





Pin Names:

Vdd - Positive Supply Voltage [3 V to 15 V]

Vss - Ground

IN/OUT1l, lN/OUT2, IN/OUT3, lN/OUT4 - Inputs/Outputs

OUT/lN1, OUT/IN2, OUT/IN3, OUT/IN4 - Output/Inputs

C1, C2, C3, C4 - Control Inputs


Truth Table:



Operation Mode:

All switches found in this package are independent.

When operating with digital signals, Vdd is sourced to pin 14 and pin 7 is wired to the ground [GND].

When operating with analog signals, pin 14 is supplied with +5V and pin 7 with -5\/. The amplitude of the analog signals can’t be higher than ’lOVpp [-5 to +5V].

The switches are on when the control input is at the logic level “’1” and off when the logic level is “0”.


Electrical Characteristics:





Other Devices:

The 4068 also have 4 analog/ digital switches.(See Observations section)




Signal Gating

Squelch Circuits

Logic implementation


Digital control (frequency, im Commutation pedance, phase, gain, etc.)




This device is pin-for-pin compatible with the 4066, which has a lower ON resistance and is recommended for new projects.

The OFF resistance is very high, typically 1019 Ω.