
This package contains a walking-ring synchronous counter. Six Johnson Counter stages are used to perform the functions found in this circuit. The device can be programmed to divide an input by 2 through 10. The output is a square wave for even divisions and nearly a square wave for odd divisions.


Functional Diagram and/or Package:





Pin Names:

Vdd - Positive Supply Voltage [3V to 15V]

Vss - Ground

P1 to P5 - Parallel Load Inputs

Q1 to D5 - Dutputs

CLK or DATA - Clock [signal input]

RST - Reset

LDAD - Load Input also called Preset Enable

IN – Feedback lnput


Timing Diagram:

The operation of this device is better understood if the timing diagram is given replacing the truth table. The timing diagram is shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1 – Timing diagram
Figure 1 – Timing diagram



Operation Mode

The program is made by changing the feedback according to the table below:




In normal operation Reset and Load are put to the ground. The counter

advances one count for each positive transition of the clock. The outputs QO to Q5 are buffered.

Reset - To reset the circuit, place the Reset input to the “’1 ” logic level.

Load - Parallel load is created by mak- ing the Load input positive.


Electrical Characteristics:






Programmable Dividers [2 to 10]

Sine Wave Generators

Frequency Dividers


Programmable Decade Counters and Greater



- The parallel code is specialized.