Although Ohm´s Law in the original form is applied to DC circuits, it applies to AC as well, as long as the resistance is considered pure. Ohm´s Law for AC circuits is often written with Z replacing R as given in the next formula:


Formula 1

Vrms = Z x Irms



Vrms is the rms voltage accross the circuit in volts (V)

Z is the impedance in ohm (Ω)

Irms is the rms current through the circuit in amperes (A)


Derivated Formulas:


Formula 2

Irms = Vrms / Z


Formula 3

Z = Vrms / Irms


Application Example:

Calculate the current flowing In a circuit with in impedance of 100 Ω when connected to a 122 Vrms circuit.



Vrms = 127 V

Z = 100 Ω


Using formula 1:

Irms = 127/100 = 1,27 A