Current drain is about 500 mA, precluding the use of small batteries or AA cells as power supplies. The tone is adjusted by R3, and the rep etition rate by R1.

A schematic diagram of the unit is shown in Fig. 1.


Figure 1 – Schematic diagram of the Beeper IV
Figure 1 – Schematic diagram of the Beeper IV


Transistor Q1 must be mounted on a heatsink. To get more power from this circuit, you can replace Q1 with a power FET. Any type with current rated to 2 A or more can be used in this project.


IC1 - 4093 CMOS integrated circuit

Q1 - TIP120 NPN Darlington power transistor

SPKR - 4/8 ohm, 4-inch loudspeaker

R1 - 100,000 ohm potentiometer

R2 - 10,000 ohm, 1/4 W, 5% resistor

R3 - 2,200,000 ohm, 1/4 W, 5% resistor

R4 - 100,000 ohm, 1/4 W, 5% resistor

C1 - 0.022 µF ceramic or metal film capacitor

C2 - 0.22 or 0.47 µF metal film capacitor

C3 - 100 µF, 12 WVDC electrolytic capacitor