Analog Devices Inc. ADAR1000 X and Ku Frequency Band Beamformers are 4-channel and 8GHz to 16GHz frequency range beamforming core chips for phased arrays. These beamformers operate in half-duplex between receive and transmit modes providing ≥31dB gain adjustment range and a full 360° phase adjustment range in the RF path. The ADAR1000 X and Ku frequency band beamformers are integrated with 8-bit Analog-to-Digital (ADC) for power detectors and temperature sensors. These devices feature a simple 4-wire Serial Port Interface (SPI) that controls all of the on-chip registers. In addition, two address pins allow SPI control of up to four devices on the same serial lines. The ADAR1000 vector modulators are ideally used in phased array radars and satellite communication systems. These devices are available in compact, 88-terminal, 7mm x 7mm dimensions, and come in an LGA package.

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