Omron Electronics G3VM-61VY4 & G3VM-351VY1 MOSFET Relays in SOP 4-pin packages contribute to reduced equipment power consumption. These relays exhibit a VIO (Dielectric strength between I/O) of 3750Vrms. These high-sensitivity MOSFET relays reduce the power consumption required for on-operation, reducing input current by 33%. The 61VY4 and 351VY1 support 60V and 350V, respectively, and both operate with less than 1mA of driving current. Because of the high dielectric strength, G3VM-VY relays can be used in applications requiring high input and output isolation. Omron Electronics G3VM-61VY4 & G3VM-351VY1 MOSFET Relays are particularly suitable for sensor applications, including ATE, industrial, and security. 

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