Maxim Integrated MAX20402/MAX20403 Automotive Synchronous Buck Converters feature integrated high-side and low-side switches in a tiny package. The MAX20402/MAX20403 supplies up to 2.5A/3.5A over a wide 3V to 36V input voltage range. The PGOOD signal monitors the voltage quality. The ICs operate in dropout by running at a 99% duty cycle, ideal for automotive and industrial applications. The Maxim MAX20402/MAX20403 provides externally programmable or internally fixed output voltages of 5V and 3.3V. Fixed internal frequency choices of 3MHz/2.1MHz/400kHz are available, enabling for small external components and reduced output ripple with no AM interference. When SYNC is low, the MAX20402/MAX20403 automatically enters skip mode at light loads with an ultra-low quiescent current of 10μA at no load. A pin-selectable forced PWM mode is also offered, which helps improve EMI performance. The converters have a spread-spectrum frequency modulation option developed to minimize EMI-radiated emissions due to the modulation frequency.

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