Diodes Incorporated PSMUX1247/1248 Analog Switch ICs are low voltage bidirectional Single Pole, Double Throw (SPDT) ICs operating at 1.08V to 5.5V supply voltage range. These switch ICs can be used as an analog or low-delay bus switch. The break-before-make switching feature prevents both switches from being enabled simultaneously. This eliminates signal disruption during switching. The PSMUX1247/1248 ICs support bidirectional analog and digital signals on the source (Sx) and drain (D) pins ranging from GND to VDD. These switch ICs deliver a low supply current of 4nA, enabling use in portable applications. Features include 1.8V logic inputs with thresholds that ensure TTL and CMOS logic compatibility when operating in the valid supply voltage range. The PSMUX1247/1248 ICs are ideal for PC motherboards, servers, remote radio units, Active Antenna System mMIMO (AAS), barcode scanners, motor drives, and consumer audio.

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