“I want to implement a technology and robotics course at my school. I intend to use the Arduino. How many boards should I buy, and which accessories would be the most suitable?”


In fact, we see that many schools following the wave of technology education and also the recommendations of the STEM that recommends the inclusion of the natural sciences and technology, think that teaching robotics with microcontrollers is everything. In fact, this is the end of a chain where you must start at the beginning. You cannot teach microcontrollers and robotics without going through basic electronics. Rather, one should think about teaching the fundamentals so that they can later be applied to robotics and to microcontrollers. Microcontrollers and robots use electronics. If the student does not know how a resistor, a motor, and an LED work, how can he efficiently drive a motor or an LED with his microcontroller? What knowledge will he have? Only the microcontroller that is the end of the chain. Think about it gentlemen educators.

P.S. Our site rich in didactic projects and applications that start from the beginning.