Interestingly the presented circuit can recover high voltage electrolytic capacitors, used in tube equipment, which have been out of use for a long time. It is a progressive source that retrieves the electrolyte properties, if it still has conditions of use.

The idea is to connect a capacitor with problems initially in the output of 50 V and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes. Then we move to the next output and left another 10 to 15 minutes. If the capacitor is not yet recovered to reach the last output try the process again.

For network 110 V can be used an auto-transformer. The 220 ohm resistor is 10 W (wire). The reactor 15 H can be replaced by a wire resistor 1K x 10 W. The selenium diode can be replaced by a 1N4007.

The wire resistor of 20 k Ω with tapsmay be replaced by 4k7 x 5W resistors in series. In Figure 1 we have the complete diagram of the capacitor recover.


 Figure 1 - Diagram of the complete source for electrolytic recovery.